Namiki Yukari Turtle fountain pen - Fontoplumo
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Namiki Yukari Turtle fountain pen - B

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Available to order, est. shipping date: 16-08-2025
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Product description

Here is a touching scene of aquatic life. Two turtles and their baby frolic in the water among the rocks and water lilies.

Meaning of the design
Turtle is one of the four celestial, supernatural or auspicious animals of ancient China, with the dragon, the qilin and the phoenix. In Japan it is said that cranes live a thousand years and turtles 10,000 years. Turtle is a symbol of longevity and is the subject of many legends. Like that of Minogame, who has lived for 10,000 years, covered with a coat of seaweed at the bottom of a lake, or that of Urashima Taro, a fisherman who after rescuing a turtle, daughter of the king of the ocean, was rewarded by a submarine stay at Ryugu-jo Palace, with the turtle turned into a pretty princess. Suffering from homesickness, he was allowed to return home with a box that he was not to open. Discovering that more than three hundred years had passed since his departure and that no one knew him, he was desperate. He then opened the box, releasing a cloud of white smoke and began to age instantly. The box was containing his real age.

Used techniques
The technique of Togidashi Taka- Maki-e is also known as "Shishiaï Togidashi-Maki-e". This is the highest level of Maki-e and uses very advanced techniques. Urushi and coal powder are used to make the pattern appear in high relief. The Taka-maki-e process then makes it possible to create a three-dimensional pattern with an animated depth.

Artist: Seiki Chida
Introduction year: 2009

If the pen is not in stock, the leadtime can vary from a week to several months.


Length137 mm
Length w/o cap127 mm
Weight with cap36 gr
Weight w/o cap20 gr
Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Converter includedYes
Year of introduction2009
EAN Code3131910560234
Vendor CodeFN-30M-KM


Namiki leather pencase for Yukari
111,00 134,31 Incl. VAT

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