Visconti Mirage Mythos Athena fountain pen - Fontoplumo
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Visconti Mirage Mythos Athena - B

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Available to order, est. shipping date: 14-03-2025
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Product description

Greek mythology teaches that the Olympian gods are immortal beings, governing the life and death of human beings.
This year we celebrate the goddess Athena, who in ancient Greece was associated with wisdom, warfare and handicraft, but who later, since the Italian Renaissance, became an international symbol of wisdom, the arts and classical learning.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature tells us that In Homer’s epic works Athena’s most common epithet is “ Glaukopis ” that is “bright eyed” or “with gleaming eyes”, which has also been interpreted to mean blue eyed or grayish blue eyed, the colors of the sea and wise and alert like an owl.
This pen is a perfect inspiration for artists and writers who can channel this muse as they enjoy expressing themselves with this beautiful sea blue Mythos, a color which itself symbolizes serenity, inspiration and wisdom.

The Visconti Mirage fountain pen is made of injected resin (where many other pens in the type of resin are machine turned bars).The fountain pens are equipped with a steel nib available in widths Fine, Medium or Broad en are supplied in a gift case.


Length139 mm
Length w/o cap125 mm
Length posted161 mm
Weight with cap32 gr
Weight w/o cap20 gr
Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Converter includedYes
Year of introduction2023
Limited editionNo
Vendor CodeKP07-15

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