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LAMY safari note+ all black

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Product description

LAMY safari note+ all-black

The Lamy note+ is made to work with Apple ipads from 2018 and newer

Product benefits
Ergonomic grip zone for effortless writing
Two buttons for user-defined shortcuts lead to an improved workflow.
USB-C charge function for hassle-free charging and simultaneous use
LED light for battery indicator
Cap to protect the tip
Self-retracting clip holds pen securely in place
Soft, replaceable tip for virtually noiseless writing. Two replacement tips are included.

Technological features
Battery life: 10 hours
Charging time: 1 hour (100 %)
No pairing required, works directly between iPads
Tilt sensitivity for creating shadow effects in a drawing
Pressure sensitivity to adjust the pressure on the pen tip to create different line widths.
Natural palm rejection distinguishes between the palm rest and the actual input to prevent unintentional marks.

Whether drawing, painting, organizing, editing pictures, cutting videos or gaming – the LAMY safari note+ is a versatile everyday companion for using a wide range of apps on the iPad. Discover the new era of digital writing and designing with LAMY safari note+ now.


Tags ipad pen for ipad
EAN Code4014519764380
Vendor Code4A0


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How do I charge the LAMY safari note+?

Insert one plug of the included cable (USB-C to USB-A) into the socket at the top of the LAMY safari note+ and the other plug into a standard power supply with a USB-A socket. In principle, charging on a laptop or iPad is also possible. Please note that the stated charging times for a full charge refer to charging with a power adapter. The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are: 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15 W).

Can I plug a charging cable directly into the iPad to charge?


How long does the battery of the LAMY safari note+ last?

With continuous use, the battery lasts for about 10 hours. Please note, however, that – as with any battery – the performance may decrease over time.

The LED on my LAMY safari note+ lights up red. What does that mean?

If the LED on the LAMY safari note+ lights up constantly red, this means that its battery level is at 20% or lower. Please recharge your LAMY safari note+.

The battery of my LAMY safari note+ was almost empty. I then plugged in the charging cable. What do I have to do to get it to charge?

Insert one plug of the included cable (USB-C to USB-A) into the socket at the top of the LAMY safari note+ and the other plug into a standard power supply with a USB-A socket. In principle, charging on a laptop or iPad is also possible. Please note that the stated charging times for a full charge refer to charging with a power adapter. The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are: 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15 W).

Does the LAMY safari note+ also charge magnetically on the iPad?

No. Neither sticking to the iPad's housing nor charging via induction is possible.

How can I tell that the LAMY safari note+ is charging correctly?

When the LAMY safari note+ is charging, its LED flashes orange.

How do I know that the LAMY note+ is fully charged?

If the LAMY safari note+ is charged and connected to a power supply unit, its LED lights up green. If it is disconnected from the power supply unit, its LED lights up or flashes blue again.

Do I have to turn off the LAMY safari note+ when I'm finished using it?

Not necessarily. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the LAMY safari note+ switches off automatically to save battery power.

What voltage can the power supply have so that I can charge the LAMY safari note+ correctly?

The exact specifications for a suitable power supply are 5 V DC, min. 0.5 A, max. 3 A (15 W).

Can I replace the tip of the LAMY safari note+?

Yes, the tip of the LAMY safari note+ is replaceable in the event of damage or wear and is available as a single spare part. The replacement can be carried out independently.

How can I replace the tip of the LAMY safari note+?

To replace the tip of the LAMY safari note+, it is best to pull it out with your thumb and index fingernail. Insert the new tip into the opening at the bottom of the LAMY safari note+.

Does the LAMY safari note+ also hold magnetically on the iPad?


Is the LAMY safari note+ made in Germany?

The LAMY safari note+ was developed in collaboration with our partner Adonit. LAMY develops exclusively in Heidelberg, Germany, while Adonit is based in Taipei, Taiwan.

How do I get replacement tips for a LAMY safari note+?

Two replacement tips are included in delivery. Additional replacement tips for the LAMY safari note+ can be purchased from specialist retailers.

What is the difference to the Apple Pencil products?

The main differences between the LAMY safari note+ and the Apple Pencil products are:
• the ergonomic hand design of the LAMY safari note+
• the ability to load the LAMY safari note+ while writing
• the replaceable tip, which, thanks to its special nature, allows writing to be less noisy
• the iconic cap with temples, which – when put on – protects the tip and the LAMY safari note+ from unintentionally rolling away

How long do the tips last?

It is difficult to give precise information as this depends very much on individual handling and use.

What are the special features of the LAMY safari note+?

The special features of the LAMY safari note+ are:
• the ergonomic hand design of the LAMY safari note+
• the ability to load the LAMY safari note+ while writing
• the replaceable tip, which, thanks to its special nature, allows writing to be
less noisy
• the iconic cap with temples, which – when put on – protects the tip and the
LAMY safari note+ from unintentionally rolling away
• its two completely individually configurable function keys

I have lost the cap, what can I do?

A replacement cap can be purchased at the LAMY safari note+ sales point.

Can I unscrew the tip?

The tip of the LAMY safari note+ can be pulled out and replaced with your thumb and index fingernail or tweezers without screwing movements.

What does the star on the cap mean?

All LAMY safari cap models/writing instruments with a cap look the same from above. So that you can immediately recognize from this perspective which writing instrument you want to remove, we have put codes in the form of simple characters on the caps. Cross for fountain pens, line/slot for rollerball pens, compass star for digital writing instruments and slot with circle for ink cartridge rollerballs.

How do I turn on the LAMY safari note+?

The LAMY safari note+ is switched on by briefly pressing the lower function button once.

How do I turn off the LAMY safari note+?

The LAMY safari note+ is switched off with a single long press (approx. 5 seconds) on the top function button.

How do I know when the tip of the LAMY safari note+ needs to be replaced?

On the one hand, the shape of the tip itself is severely deformed, deformed, and worn on one side. It should be replaced. Due to this, but also due to other factors that may not be clearly visible, the quality of use (font, precision, latency, etc.) may be impaired. This is the right moment for a tip change.
The cap provides maximum protection for the tip against external influences, at least while the LAMY safari note+ is not being used.

How can I use the LAMY safari note+ on multiple iPads at the same time?

So no special precautions need to be taken. When switched on, the LAMY safari note+ can be used on several iPads at the same time, just as a LAMY safari fountain pen can be used in several notebooks at the same time: just start writing.
All functions of the LAMY safari note+ except for the assignment of the function keys work immediately and without any installation or configuration on any compatible iPad. It is important that neither an Apple Pencil nor a stylus from another manufacturer is paired with the iPad. Please unpair them first.

How can I unpair the Apple Pencil from my iPad so that the LAMY safari note+ can be recognized by my iPad?

To unpair Apple Pencil from your iPad, you can follow the steps below:
1. Go to "Settings" on your iPad.
2. Tap "Bluetooth"
3. Look for "Apple Pencil" in the list of paired devices.
4. Tap the info icon (i) next to the "Apple Pencil" entry.
5. Select "Ignore this device" or "Forget this device" to unpair the Apple Pencil
from your iPad.
After you complete these steps, Apple Pencil will no longer be connected to your iPad and can be re-paired if you decide to use it again later.

Does the LAMY safari note+ learn my handwriting?

No. The LAMY safari note+ does not have a module for recording, analyzing or storing handwriting or the content written with it.

How can I configure the function keys on the LAMY safari note+?

The function keys are configured within the respective app. Where the corresponding menu item can be found can vary from app to app. This can usually be found in the settings within the app. All functions of the LAMY safari note+ except for the assignment of the function keys and the pressure sensitivity work immediately and without any installation or configuration on any compatible iPad.
When it comes to the function keys, however, our goal was to give both our users and the respective apps as much freedom as possible. The best and most sensible function assignment for the buttons can vary greatly from user to user and from app to app. You can therefore configure the functions of the buttons in the respective apps yourself.
A list of all apps in which the function keys can be configured can be found here:

Why do I have to configure the function keys separately in each app?

All functions of the LAMY safari note+ except the assignment of the function keys and the pressure sensitivity work immediately and without any installation or configuration on any compatible iPad.
When it comes to the function keys, however, our goal was to give both our users and the respective apps as much freedom as possible. The best and most sensible function assignment for the buttons can vary greatly from user to user and from app to app. You can therefore configure the functions of the buttons in the respective apps yourself.
A list of all apps in which the function keys can be configured can be found here:

I have enabled Bluetooth, the LAMY safari note+ is switched on, but it is still not recognized by the app. What can I do?

The most common reason for this is that either an Apple Pencil or a third-party stylus is paired with the iPad. Disconnect and please try again.

My LAMY safari note+ was already connected to an app, but now it is no longer recognized. What can I do?

Pairing with an app to specifically configure the function keys works best if the app is first opened and then the LAMY safari note+ is turned on.

My LAMY safari note+ is white / red, but is displayed in black in the apps menu. Is my LAMY safari note+ really connected to the app?

Yes, for logistical reasons, the information about the colour of the
LAMY safari note+ is not stored on its firmware when the device is delivered. In all apps in which the function keys can also be configured, the displayed colour can be selected in the settings for the LAMY safari note+.

How do I connect the LAMY safari note+ to my iPad?

All functions of the LAMY safari note+ except the pressure sensitivity and the assignment of the function keys work immediately and without any installation or configuration on any compatible iPad. It is important that neither an Apple Pencil nor a stylus from another manufacturer is paired with the iPad. Please unpair them first.
The LAMY safari note+ is paired in the settings of the respective app. The exact location may vary from app to app.
Pairing is only possible and necessary in apps from our partners. A list of these apps can be found here:

Which iPad models is the LAMY safari note+ compatible with?

The LAMY safari note+ is compatible with almost all iPad models, these are • iPad (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th)
• iPad mini (5th, 6th)
• iPad Air (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)
• iPad Air 13" (1st)
• iPad Pro 11" (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
• iPad Pro 12.9" (3rd, 4th, 5th)
• iPad Pro 13" (1st)
A current list can always be found here:

Which iPad operating systems is the LAMY safari note+ compatible with?

Compatible iPad models must have at least iOS 12.2 or higher versions of iOS installed. Higher versions can also be versions of iPadOS.

Is the LAMY safari note+ also compatible with other non-Apple tablets?

Please see the LAMY EMR for compatibility

Does the LAMY safari note+ also work with paperlike films?

The LAMY safari note+ is designed to function perfectly directly on the iPad display. However, tests have shown that it often works even with many slides.

Does the LAMY safari note+ record and/or send my data?

No. However, no general statement can be made about which data is collected or not collected for use within the apps used. Please see the
data protection declaration of the respective app.

How is the disposal of the LAMY safari note+ organized?

LAMY pays the applicable disposal tax in each country. The LAMY safari note+ can be disposed of in every country and region in accordance with the regulations for the disposal of small electrical devices. Please find out about the relevant requirements and options on site.

I have a LAMY safari Al-star EMR, can I update it so that it also works on iPads?

No, unfortunately that is not possible. Different technologies and communication protocols are used for different tablets from different manufacturers.

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