Parker IM Rituals green and gold fountain pen - Fontoplumo
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Parker IM Rituals green and gold fountain pen

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63,22 76,50 Incl. VAT
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Product description

The beautifully crafted Parker IM Writing Rituals collection is designed specifically with the writer’s wellness routine in mind. The weight, aesthetics, feel in the hand and smooth ink flow add an element of luxury and focus to every writing moment. The Parker IM is perfect for any time you choose to focus on your personal wellness, whether it’s journaling, planning ahead, creative writing or simply taking notes. Each pen in the collection features a different gradient and metallic satin finish, perfectly balanced with a gold PVD or chrome finish. Inspired by colour theory and chosen for their calming, inspiring or stimulating appeal, each colour is Parker IM Writing Rituals makes a beautiful gift or a treasured treasure.


Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Converter includedNo


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