LAMY nib steel for fountain pen - Fontoplumo
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LAMY nib steel for fountain pen

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EF F M B A (Children) LH Left Handed Stub 1.1 Stub 1.5 Stub 1.9
7,02 8,50 Incl. VAT
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Based on 11 reviews
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Vendor CodeZ50


4.8/5 11 reviews
Placed on 11-01-2025

Deze review gaat over de stub 1.1 Z50 penpunt. Hij schrijft heel prettig en geeft een mooie lijn variatie. Ik gebruik hem dagelijks. Fijn dat Fontoplumo deze los verkoopt, zodat je gemakkelijk van penpunt kunt wisselen, indien gewenst. De service is heel erg goed. Bij de aankoop van twee Lamy Safari vulpennen kreeg ik een handgeschreven kaartje van Frank. Erg leuk! Ik ga hier zeker vaker kopen.

Placed on 10-06-2024

It's a beautiful upgrade for my old Lamy Safari pen with F nib! I realized I like broader, M-size nibs, and with this nib, I upgraded the pen without buying a new one. Fontoplumo is my place to go whenever I want to find fountain-pen-related items. They have everything! :-)

Placed on 10-06-2024

It's a perfect upgrade for my old Lamy Safari with EF nib! I have excellent experience with Fontoplumo. It is my place to go whenever I want to find fountain-pen-related items. They have everything! :-)

Placed on 15-01-2024

I think the black nibs look smarter, especially on pens with a black section, and F is my preference. So this black F nib was perfect for me :)

Placed on 01-10-2023

This is a review of the Silver LH (Left Handed) Z50 nib.

While I am not left-handed, I decided to try the LH nib as I tend to write with a slanted grip so I was interested in giving it a try, particularly since this nib is not expensive. This interest was also motivated by the great success I had when switching to an OB from a B in a Montblanc pen with which I'd been having some issues (luckily still under the testing period).

That being said, I use nibs ranging from EF all the way to stubs/Italics up to 1.9 in the Lamy Z50 series, 2.3 in the Kaweco Calligraphy, and the 6.0 of the Parallel Pilot, and this means I seem to easily adjust my handwriting to a good range of nib styles and orientations.

I compared the LH against a regular M, both in Al-Star pens using the same ink and on various papers. The resulting writing is essentially identical even when I look at it with a loupe and that is reassuring as it means the LH is indeed an M width nib.

For my regular grip angle, the LH writes a bit smoother than the standard M, except on the lower quality papers, where the LH gives a bit more of feedback. Interestingly enough, that bit of added feedback slows down my writing just enough to give me a more controlled and neater writing.

Overall, I am very pleased with the results and will keep the LH options in mind for the future.

Placed on 25-05-2023

This review is about the 1.1 stub specifically. My previous review was about the 1.5 stub.

The 1.1 stub is now my favourite overall Lamy nib. While I like the Z55 gold nibs a lot, they don't have stub versions so I don't get the line width aspects and variability.

It used to be the 1.5 stub. But as I started to write more using scarp paper and my hand rests longer on the pages, the 1.5 is pickier on the type of paper and whether or not my hand has rested on a given section (body oils and such).

Enter the 1.1 stub. It still gives me a good stroke width variability and does not have the paper/oils related skipping issues that I get with the 1.5. Probably because it does not need as much friction/contact with the paper to get the ink flowing and give that feedback feeling.

Placed on 24-02-2023

They're good for the price, except they have a rather wide range of widths in single nib size. According to Lamy it's +/- 0.06mm which makes 0.12mm difference at extremes, Also, you can't get black stub nibs.

But keeping the above in mind, I think this is the easiest (and probably the cheapest) way to get a wide range of nib sizes. Also, I can't stress enough the fact that you can hot swap the nibs (i.e. with an inked pen) is incredibly convenient and not talked about enough.

Placed on 28-01-2023

The Z50 steel nibs in stub 1.5 used to be my favourite, next to the 1.1 stub. I also have some of the 1.9 stubs on pens inked with shimmer inks for fancier writing. My handwriting is large enough that using these nibs for everyday writing works well, and I enjoy the depth brought by the wide strokes.

The ease with which one can switch these nibs (Z50 in silver or black, Z52 from the LX line, Z53 from the Aion line, Z55 14kt gold bicolor) and the range of widths available is great.

The only reason the 1.5 stubs are no longer my favourite is that on paper of lower quality (for everyday scrap work), the interplay between the paper and my wrist/hand results in sections of the paper where the stub nibs will skip.

Placed on 12-01-2017

Im Recived my order Im very happy Seller is good and quick to reply email

Placed on 11-01-2017

For owner of Lamy pen this is a must have for you can't believe that just charging the nib my pen is able to do more task from writng, sketching and with broad nib I will be able to use my pen with the visualizer. Took 1 week to arrived at Chiang Mai. Package is well enough to prevent those nibs from killing each other. Great service :)

Placed on 04-07-2016

Those Lamy nibs write very well, not scratchy at all, plus they're very easy to change and affordable. A lot of possibilities and the same nibs for most Lamy fountain pens, what's not to love?

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