Pilot Capless White with Black satin trim fountain pen - Fontoplumo
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Pilot Capless White with Black satin trim fountain pen - B

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Available to order, est. shipping date: 19-02-2025
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Product description

Pilot Capless fountain pen in white with black satin trim has a vanishing nib, click to expose the nib and click for it to hide back into the body or the pen. It has a trap door which keeps the ink from drying out when closed. The Capless fountain pen is fitted with an 18k (750au) gold nib available in Fine, Medium or Broad. The nib is titanium coated, to make the color match the black satin trim.
It's click mechanism to expose the nib makes it behave like a ballpoint pen, but with the joy and softness of a using a fountain pen.
The Pilot Capless fountain pen comes with a Pilot converter (Con40) and a Pilot ink cartridge.


Length141 mm
Length w/o cap139 mm
Weight with cap31 gr
Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Limited editionNo
EAN Code3131910291893

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