Sailor 1911 Large Cross Point fountain pen Specialty Nib gold trim - Fontoplumo
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Sailor 1911 Large Cross Point Specialty Nib gold trim

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Available to order, est. shipping date: 16-08-2025
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Product description

The Sailor special nibs are highly appreciated by writing enthusiasts because they have many nibs with special writing characteristics. Because of the large success this led to production problems with the regular pens and therefore the availability now is very limited.
Fortunately we are now able to offer these pens.

The nibs are handmade in 21k gold and provided with a beautiful logo. The strap on the cap says 'Special Nib'.

A double nib design with a specially angled tip which when used normally gives a narrow line and when reversed (inverted) gives a superior broadstroke with excellent inkflow. This Is a very creative nib.

The nibs that are available:
- Naginata Tofi (MF - M - B) in gold or rhodium plated trim
- Naginata Concord
- Naginata Fude de Mannen
- Naginata Emperor (MF - M - B)
- Cross Point - Cross Concord
- Cross Music

For the last 6 options, price on request.

When a pen is sold / out of stock, we order a new pen in Japan in order to have all options available to you.


Length141 mm
Length w/o cap123 mm
Length posted154 mm
Weight with cap24 gr
Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Limited editionNo
Tags sailor specialty nib
EAN Code4901680146773
Vendor Code10-7511-828

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