Montblanc Meisterstück Around the World in 80 Days Classique Duoe 145 Fountain Pen - Fontoplumo
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Montblanc Meisterstück Around the World in 80 Days Classique Duoe 145 Fountain Pen

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Product description

The Meisterstück Around the World in 80 Days collection is inspired by the famous adventure novel by Jules Vernes. The Doué Classique Fountain Pen in blue translucent lacquer with gradient finish, draws on the first part of the journey. The main character travels, mainly via steamboat, from London to Bombay, crossing the Mediterranean ocean and through the Suez canal. The cap features a milled pattern of the key elements of the novel: ocean waves, card suits and a cartouche with a lasered steam boat. The cap top is embossed with the length of the journey, 18 days from London to Bombay and 80 days in total. The writing instrument is finished with a hand-crafted 18K rhodium-coated gold nib garnished with the hot air-balloon and the start & end date of the adventurous journey.


Length140 mm
Length w/o cap123 mm
Length posted156 mm
Weight with cap52 gr
Weight w/o cap15 gr
Filling systemCartridge/Converter
Year of introduction2021
Limited editionNo

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