KWZ Monarch fountain pen ink 60ml - Fontoplumo
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KWZ Monarch fountain pen ink 60ml

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Product description

Sold out and no longer available

KWZ fountain pen ink is handmade. The color of KWZ Monarch ink is exclusively for Fontoplumo and chosen so it matches the Conid Monarch Kingsize Bulkfiller fountain pen. Of course it can be used in any other fountain pen.


Water resistantNo



5/5 5 reviews
Placed on 28-04-2023

Was gifted a sample of this ink by a good friend. And AM SIMPLY LOVING IT!!!! Please do reproduce this ink so that I can get a full bottle of it, please!!! =)

Placed on 03-12-2022

This fantastic ink ought to be a staple of Fontoplumo's. It is excellent in every way, and has become one of the inks I keep permanently in one pen. It works in every size of nib, as far as I've found. The shading is just right, and the sheen on good papers give it a sophisticated extra. It makes my less friendly nibs seem better. I've tried other KWZ inks, not too many but some, and this is by far my favourite of them all. I haven't found another ink that's got the same colour and properties, especially not the nice saturation and flow along with no crudding.

I wish I'd bought several more bottles, because I realise this is one of the inks I want to keep using the rest of my life.
Please please get this back in stock ;_;

Webshop reaction

Placed on 03-12-2022

Thank you for your review. We are thinking of restocking or not, this helps :-)

Placed on 27-09-2019

I am a user of KWZ already and like there inks. I bought this ink to match the Monarch pen that I bought. It is a perfect match. I like KWZ inks very good flow and easy to clean the pen after use. I only use the standard KWZ inks Overall 2 thumbs up

Placed on 28-05-2019

Kwz Monarch is a fairly saturated burnt orange ink with good shading and depth, which works well with a flex nib, one of my favourite orange inks (along with the lighter very different Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyu-Gaki, Persimmom). The name, Monarch explicitly evokes the colour of the butterfly and perhaps implicitly a link with the Dutch House of Orange, as is the exclusive outlet for this ink. I was so pleased with this ink that I quickly bought a second bottle.

Placed on 22-01-2019

This ink blew me away, especially with the Monarch Minimalistica I had purchased with it. It's not an orange that hits you in the face, or one that's unreadable. In fact it's quite a usable everyday ink colour. Very legible, and has incredible ink flow. The shading is amazing. Although it is quite a wet ink, and it dries with a wet looking sheen, so I'm never 100% sure if it's actually dry or not. Either way, I see myself keeping a pen inked up with this everyday!

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