Kaweco converter for Sport, mini piston - Fontoplumo
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Kaweco converter for Sport, mini piston

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6,61 8,00 Incl. VAT
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8 pcs in stock
Based on 8 reviews
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EAN Code4250278611309
Vendor Code10001349


Kaweco Clip Sport black
3,84 4,65 Incl. VAT


4.8/5 8 reviews
Placed on 15-02-2024

De converter voor de Kaweco Sport werkt geweldig! Hij is wel wat klein, maar volgens mij past er de hoeveelheid inkt in die ook in een standaard vulling zit. Voordeel is dat je iedere kleur inkt die er beschikbaar is kunt gebruiken. Voor al mijn vulpennen zoek ik graag een matching inkt en dan komt deze converter goed van pas. Ook niet duur. Aanrader.

Placed on 04-12-2023

Nice, perfect for my Kaweco Sport

Placed on 18-01-2023

This is the only converter that fits my Delta Journal fountain pen. I've been searching one for years. Of course it holds a very minimum amount of ink, but it's well done and works good.

Placed on 19-08-2022

This converter is nice and good quality.

Placed on 24-09-2021

Does the job, but could have been bigger. However it has to fit the real estate volume of the Kaweco Sport fountain pens.

Placed on 08-06-2020

This converter is very small, but if you want to use your own collection ink a musthave!

Placed on 01-05-2019

Thank you very much, I'm very happy with my Kaweco it has such a smooth nib, will get another color :) and I love the size very compact for a carry along for my journaling.

Placed on 26-02-2019

It works good, but I would have prefered a bigger size...

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