Rickshaw 6 pen hand roll Girl with headphones / Rayban edition - Fontoplumo
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Rickshaw 6 pen hand roll Girl with headphones / Rayban edition

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Product description

Fontoplumo has joined forces with Art Jacobs and Rickshaw to create a series of special edition pen sleeves in four sizes suitable for one up to ten pens..
The sleeve designs are inspired by Delft, a city that is characterized both by history as well as cutting edge technology and a contemporary spirit – a combination of concepts that very much suits our philosophy of pens. The artist we have decided to work with for this first series of sleeves, unsurprisingly, has a similar vision that he expresses in his artworks..
René Jacobs’ work is characterized by originality, a contemporary view, as well as a healthy amount of humor. He’s a true master of appropriation. With respect for the famous masterpieces that he is inspired by, he modernizes their works in a bold manner. Jacobs is a diverse artist whose work cannot be limited to a single description or style. We feel drawn to his work exactly because of this. His Girl with the Pearl Earring, Lady with Ray Ban, and William of Orange summarize the quintessence of Delft history, with a twist..
The manufacturer that we chose to work with for the production of the pen sleeves, inevitably had to be Rickshaw. Their products, all made in their small San Francisco warehouse, are distinguished by their simple, functional design and high-quality materials and construction. Their fabrics are manufactured in the USA, with sustainability and long- lasting performance in mind..
For anyone on the lookout for a pen sleeve that is not made of leather, this sleeve is the perfect, animal friendly alternative.


Vendor CodeSPR-6P-Orange-6002-L06


5/5 1 reviews
Placed on 03-05-2024

An excellent case offers style and good protection for pens with the widest and longest barrels as well as the thinnest ones. Rickshaw quality is a plus and a favourite in the fountain pen community. Highly recommended.

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